All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 55 in total

Cats 'n Co-Habitation

Week 8 of this presidency & we've got vanishing veteran websites, poppers poofing off the shelves, threats to our foreign allies... and the girl that found her father'...

Thassa Lie

This has been the week of Rep. Al Green's censure, more of y'all's president's lies, Umar's alleged secret churren & did you hear (or care) about R. Kelly's new jailho...

Housewhives of Washington

Did you hear the one about the man with a country full of lives in his hands that walked into an office asking two wealthy men (one white, one orange) for help and the...

Bush Walk

This week we're celebrating Kendrick's message & watching Issa and Shonda stand on business, while this administration pushes hatred by-way-of transgender army bans, s...

Eaten Faces

This week Janelle put Nelly on blast, Jaden wore a house on his head, wypipo are awakening to their faces being eaten by orange-supporting leopards & was anyone else's...

Colonized History Month

The call is coming from inside of the WHITE House, America. 

Reality's Sh*t Show

A day away from the incoming administration and the snakes are already revealing themselves. Stay safe out here, y'all. This week we're talking TikTok bans, oligarchie...

2025 Hopefuls

It's our late ass holiday special.. coz we was busy or whateva! Unpacking 2024 and looking ahead to 2025.  

Did You Earn It, Though?

Interesting how all of this unearned wealth continues to be hoarded, don't you think? 

Black Body Parts

Awful week we've had. DEI rollbacks, Walmart boycotts, Aubrey's tantrums & now nekkid black body parts too?!

*BONUS Episode* Let's Talk

Happy Thanksgiving! Miss Treese (from the 'Talk2Treese' Podcast) joins Marcus this week for both a venting session and blending of ideas of maintaining personal wellne...

Lick & Tell

Telling your friends about that "special thing" your man likes you to do to him may not work in your favor, girl...

It's Rainin' Stimmies

Sometimes laughter and a little bit of cussing keeps you from completely giving up. Trying to remain both hopeful & comical, despite the odds being against us in this ...

Vote, Stroke & Smoke

VOTE! No make up test this time! We can't afford to miss the mark this time. Let's come together today for a better tomorrow.

Counterfeit Culture

What's killing relationships nowadays? We discuss this & more along with our special guest host & supporter, Eddie S. Pierce, Jr. of Rainbow Room Publishing, LLC. 

Oh, Bi The Way

This week, we're discussing how MAGA continues to take L's, the war on truthful information & how to be healthily selfish sometimes.

Nation's Rhythm

Bed bugs, Janet's word vomit, Marcellus Williams and your social media self representation.

Knock-Knock: It's The Feds

It's been a busy week for criminals... and kissing cousins. 

Then There Were Two

Marcus & Lyric get settled into their new duo-vibe, as discussions of how Kamala ATE that man alive (no pets), Shay Shay's alleged hack & y'all eating animals in Sprin...

Nappy Cat

Chatter about movies, Chase, Georgia, Lee Daniels... and the age limit on fun... all wrapped up in a nappy box Glenn Close can smell. 

I Gotta Do My Research

Lyric & Marcus are holding it down this week discussing the political climate, back to school & the "I Gotta Do My Research" type of people.

From Ears To Fears

Trump’s Tall Tales, Missing Foot Mysteries, and the very REAL fight for your rights

Juneteenth, Bish!

This week we're talking Juneteenth, Pride Month, Neglectful parenting & TiggaMann's Brothel. Help us all.

The Shady P.R.

Can those of you that refuse to do better AT LEAST not put yourselves in the way of those of us that are? Please?

Meat Sticks Are Nuts

How we're feeling about that teacher with the braids letting his students take out his hair and Lyric shows off her wonderful mood.

Alpha Man vs Bear

Black Men, this one is for you

Condoms & Deodorant

Ever been unfollowed & were mad about it? This episode is for you! Happy 4/20!

Total Earrings

Discussing Diddy, Ray J and so many other crazy things that have happened in these here weeks...

Will You McMarry Me?

Spoiler: She said no... and y'all weren't quiet with your opinions... 

It's A No For Mo'

Discussions surrounding Diddy do it or nah, losing virginity to a sex worker & our feelings about Mo'Nique

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